The Gabriola Health Care Foundation's (“GHCF”) role, to paraphrase its Constitution, is to help improve the primary health care services provided to the residents of and the visitors to Gabriola by helping to identify their health care needs, and, to the extent of its ability, to help address those needs by:
1. working alone or in partnership with qualified donees (as defined in the Income Tax Act, Canada) or with any Canadian government body, to help develop and/or deliver health care programs that will help address those needs;
2. provide medical facilities and/or medical equipment to be used for the benefit of residents of and visitors to Gabriola Island; and/or
3. gifting funds to qualified donees that are working to help meet those needs.
As a landlord, part of the GHCF’s role is owning and maintaining the Gabriola Community Health Centre. As part of that role GHCF leases space in the Centre to a number of tenants including the Gabriola Medical Clinic, Island Health, Gabriola Dental, LifeLabs, etc. These tenants are independent of GHCF. They employ their own staff and manage their own businesses. GHCF plays no role in their operation.